SelfSell Global Roadshow 2018

12th January 2018 – SelfSell, an innovative Blockchain project vowed to become the Nasdaq of personal IPO on individual human capital, officially launched the 2018 Global Roadshow. Its first stop is London, the breeding ground of industrial revolution.
Prof. Thomas J. Sargent, the pioneer of the Rational Expectations Theory and 2011 Nobel Prizes winner in Economic Sciences was invited to be the special guest to ignite the popularity of the global roadshow. Prof. Thomas J. Sargent expressed his opinion on the current trend of Blockchain and cryptocurrencies, as well as the human capital based investment opportunities advocated by SelfSell.
Prof. Thomas J. Sargent is the 2011 winner of Nobel Prizes in Economic Sciences and a professor of Economics at New York University. Since the early 1970s, he has made an exceptional contribution to the establishment and development of the Neoclassical Macroeconomic System as a leading Rational Expectations Theorist. Further, he has also made a groundbreaking methodological contribution to the expected outcomes of the Macroeconomic Model, the Dynamic Economic Theory and the Relations of Time Series Analysis.
Yuan Li, the founder of Selfsell, is a pioneer to use DLT to build a platform between investors and investees that encourages appreciation of creativity and human value and takes the essence of investment closer to the fundamental – People. It makes the investment return to the core of asset and makes a direct investment into the ultimate creator of the value. He believes that most of the capital investment project on the idea, business or company in the past invested indirectly into the wisdom and efforts of the human. However fundamentally, what behind assets like real estate, stocks, precious metals or Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies, human beings are the only and most vital essence. SelfSell seeks to return to the nature of the investment, and the human assets on the SelfSell platform are those undervalued ones. SelfSell is a ‘time machine’ that brings the great human future closer to the present so that everyone can exchange their future value with a corresponding present need. Investees can access more resources at the present stage in order to maximize future potential. Investors can pick the individuals to support them based on their genuine appreciation of individual skills and development – who knows, you are probably investing in the next Mark Zuckerburg or Emma Watson.
Prof. Sargent mentioned about two ground-breaking innovation – Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain that underpins cryptocurrency. Both are enormously influential and exciting in today’s technology advancement. He believed that Blockchain could protect the wealth and mutual trust among the public, and the shared beliefs between people would be established through the credit records. Meanwhile, people can implement transaction of digital currencies through Blockchain. Mr. Sargent also gave positive affirmation to the role of human value revolution on Blockchain proposed by SelfSell.
Mr. Li gratefully appreciated the support of Prof. Sargent. He said that being able to invite Mr. Sargent to launch SelfSell World Roadshow was of the great importance of SelfSell.
Undoubtedly, it was an excellent opportunity to enhance the demanding expectation of achieving everyone’s IPO on SelfSell. Meanwhile, Prof. Sargent’s support on SelfSell would also facilitate the project by improving the business model of SelfSell.
Mr. Li promised that SelfSell would speed up the global market expansion at the next stage. The first reason why he starts his event by inviting individual IPO from celebrities is that they have fame and reputation, upon which this group of people rely on reputation and trust to have a steady income, and their reluctance of the comprising performance is apparent. Secondly, the celebrities are socially influential, which encourages more people to understand the concept of SelfSell and more willing to get involved in the project.
SelfSelf is storming for a revolution to human value. It is crafting a new way of investment, a new ecosystem, and a new era on a global scale.
About SelfSell
SelfSell serves as a trading platform for individual IPO and total production. It supports the individual long-term development and offers profitable and sustainable paybacks. SelfSell is a revolution of human potential that brings the world’s talent together and fosters direct investments in people themselves.
Company name: SelfSell
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Company contacts: Beijing