LiveTree – the Beginning of the End of the Centralized Entertainment Industry

Over the decade, our approach to content has changed drastically. There was a time when VHS was the source of entertainment and household fights revolved around “Who taped over the birthday with the basketball?” Subscription and Video-On-Demand services like Netflix changed things for the better by providing much better access to content. With time, we have come to realize that this digital model of entertainment is full of loopholes. These Internet behemoths are so centralized regarding operation that they have done nothing but replace Hollywood’s age-old opaque practices. With so many technological changes happening around us every other day, it is time to resist this abnormal behavior.
Entertainment has always been a dominant force in shaping the society. Catchphrases and epic scenes from movies or TV shows often become almost natural parts of the cultural fabric as a frame of references and collective cognizance. Our values, our culture, and sometimes even our future is guided by entertainment.
By breaking down the ages of the Internet, let’s take a look at what the future holds for entertainment and how to take the high road that leads to a fairer, better and decentralized entertainment industry.
Web 1.0: Hyperlink and email came into being internet was not too fast in the year 2005. Getting internet connectivity involved a cumbersome task of handling the modems and then waiting to get a connection.
All it required was patience. Lots of it.
For anyone who experienced this, they will understand what patience meant. For everyone else who wasn’t there, revel at the level of spunk we offered.
Our world used to revolve around fuzzy-to-clear pictures, bulletin boards, and Gopher. An email in your inbox was a joyful event. The vision of Sir Tim Berners-Lee led to the creation of an internet based on democratic principles and full of positivity, opportunity, and optimism.
Winamp (I was lucky enough to work with the founder) was our version of media streaming, and Netflix was just a DVD rent-and-post service. Selling, buying and renting of DVDs took place over mail and Blockbuster was at the top of this game in 2004.
Web 2.0: Internet giants use your centralized data to dominate markets
I have a background in Computer Science, but Artificial Intelligence was not a dominant premise while I was still at school. The way you had to process heaps of data just to make machines smart enough was the reason behind this. Computers are doltish. Regardless of how much processing power or algorithms you punch in, a computer still needs to figure out things that matter. There’s a lot of processing involved, and a lot of patterns need to be studied to figure out key features.
Information is the one of the treasured commodity we human beings possess. It is the key to everything. Cloud computing may have become a part of our lives today, but it didn’t exist before 2005. Big data was something entirely unheard of, and Google became a data pioneer before the launch of Google File System.
Gradually, Web 2.0 sprouted faster internet speeds, unlimited data storage, and unlimited processing power. We are living in the age of giant data centers, Amazon, Facebook and Netflix, the prime of Web 2.0. AI is being used over big data to dominate and manipulate the markets, and this is one of the many ugly consequences of Web 2.0
Moore’s law states that total computing power doubles up every two years. It still holds true, and industry giants have been keen on taking advantage. They are using age-old AI approaches to hook up a network of machines with ample storage and power to impersonate intelligence. The same intelligence is then used to ‘assist’ you into buying what they want you to buy.
Web 3.0: The future of decentralized entertainment
Web 2.0 is established on the concept of centralized trust. Consumers are expected to hand over data to corporations and trust them entirely only to get a service in return. The bad news is that we seem to have no option than to put our trust in these powerful centralized organizations.
In the entertainment industry, these corporate giants hold so much power that they call out the creativity in lieu of money. Hollywood is being converted to a centralized system, and these corporations have done nothing but replace the old ways of Hollywood executives with algorithms.
Is there a way out?
I genuinely believe there’s a way to bow out and this belief led to the foundation of LiveTree. Our only mission is to create a transparent, fair, community empowered TV, film and content network. I have dedicated LiveTree to Aaron Swartz, the great, late computer activist (I will have a blog soon about how his spirit lives on.)
Blockchain has emerged as a technology that is ready to lock horns with centralized systems all over the world. We will no longer be forced to hand over our security and even our life onto the hands of greedy centralized entities just for the sake of getting services and content delivered. Decentralized organizations are the way forward, and they are the key to build peer-to-peer trust. It eliminates the need for an intermediary and allows you to create a direct contract with someone. This could be the end of Netflix, Google or Facebook- who are nothing but third-parties managing contracts and earning profits out of it. The blockchain is immutable, inflexible and shareable. There’s nothing to hide, everything is transparent and helps build confidence.
LiveTree ADEPT (Advanced Decentralised Entertainment Platform for Transparent distribution) is pro-digital rights management. Our platform facilitates a direct connection between creator and allows them to create contracts amongst themselves. This marks a once-in-a-lifetime paradigm shift. ADEPT lets you hold the leash and control what kind of content gets made. This contradicts how Hollywood and the content gatekeepers like Netflix traditionally work. Whatever material or community you help create, you will be rewarded for it. You have the freedom to control the algorithms. The complete process is open source and fully-transparent. Shifting control back to your hands from centralized behemoths, your earnings will be in the form of our digital token- LiveTree Seed.
You get to control what content is created and how it gets created. In short, you get to control your entertainment, and the future lies in your own hands.
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