Fantastical Legends are Ready to Battle! Customisable Creatures Hatch Into Unicorns Vs. Dinosaurs – Rumble Legends

Fantastical Legends are Ready to Battle! Customisable Creatures Hatch Into Unicorns Vs. Dinosaurs - Rumble Legends

Welcome back, dinosaur and unicorn fans! We have some egg-cellent news! Unicorns Vs. Dinosaurs – Rumble Legends enters its second phase with purchasable eggs! You can now get these eggs-actly how you want them!

Unicorns Vs. Dinosaurs is an ethereum blockchain game that pits characters from these two legendary species against each other.

Characters hatched from these eggs are unique and their rarity value is tied into their appearance and power. Additionally, players can sell or buy characters with other people using real money.

Did you know Unicorns actually lay eggs? They do! Deal with it! So do Dinosaurs of course! Both sets of these eggs can be bought and then sold – they have real world value!

Both Dinosaur and Unicorn Eggs increase in value whenever any player buys one. The sooner you buy eggs, the cheaper they’ll be! So jump in quick! You’ll be able to make a legendary profit later by selling early bought eggs as the purchase prices increase!

The game will allow players to purchase eggs from either species, breed them so that they can create new characters, and watch them engage in battle. Check out the first confrontation of these legendary creatures in this amazing documentary footage we obtained:

If  players breed new creatures from the ones they already own,  and if they choose wisely the specific traits and characteristics of the parents, they can get a huge advantage, significantly increasing their new character’s value in terms of gameplay and real world currency. Characters are unique and have a set of attributes, skills and visual traits, which affect their value.

So get ready to become a Blockchain Rumble Legend and grab some eggs early while they’re cheap! You can get your own eggs for Unicorns Vs. Dinosaurs – Rumble Legends here:

About Rumble Legends

Located in Chile, Rumble Legends is a development studio whose collective experience making games spans several decades. The team includes members of mobile video games company ePig Games, which itself has more than 20 mobile games under its umbrella including ePig Dash (no.1 game in 16 countries).

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