Essentia Opens KYC Verification Ahead of Public Sale

Essentia, the decentralized protocol framework, has just announced details of its public token sale following the completion of their successful pre-sale. Essentia has implemented KYC/AML verification ahead of the public sale so participants wishing to contribute to the token generation event must follow the verification procedure Essentia has outlined in detail in its project blog.
During the process of verification, interested parties will have the opportunity to experience the Essentia framework in action by creating their own dashboard through a series of quick steps. Here, documents can be uploaded in a secure environment and applicants can specify such details as the ETH wallet they wish to contribute from.
Anyone wishing to contribute more than 10 ETH will be required to submit additional details, and to verify that they are not the US or Chinese resident. Having completed verification for the Essentia public sale, applicants may return to their dashboard at any time to check on the status of their application. Due to high demand, Essentia cannot guarantee that successful applicants will be able to receive the full allocation of tokens they have requested.
Essentia co-founder Matteo Giancarlo Zago has stated: “The public sale marks the beginning of the next exciting phase for Essentia. Our community has been incredibly patient over the last few months, while the team has worked away behind the scenes to finalize everything in readiness for this moment. We look forward to welcoming applicants to our public sale, and to have them accompany us on the our journey building the infrastructure of the next web.”
Having recently signed an agreement with the Finnish government to develop a blockchain solution for the MTK ministry, one of Essentia’s first tasks following the public sale will be to recommence development on this initiative. In addition, the team will ramp up work on its enterprise solutions and fine-tuning the Essentia protocol, which they expect to grow into a thriving ecosystem of integrated dApps and other third party services.
Essentia successfully hit the hard cap during their pre-sale at the beginning of May, raising over $20m by reaching the maximum allocation of ESS tokens. As a consequence, no more pre-sale applications can be accepted. The Essentia public sale will mark the final stage of the process, which aims to give the Essentia community a chance to get involved, with 595 million ESS tokens allocated for the general sale to be distributed to all participants.
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