Coinseed Announces Crypto Cash Back Program

In the US, we all love cash backs as merchants or financial institutions reward small amounts of money to its users for using or buying their products. Well, how about earn that cash back money in crypto instead of good old US dollars?
This is exactly what Coinseed app is doing with their latest product feature. Coinseed lets you invest your spare change in crypto and it makes perfect sense for their users to have this feature.
It takes only 30 seconds to signup on Coinseed and it is completely free. Once you create an account, you can simply select one of the listed online merchants from the app and it will take you straight to the online shop where you can complete your purchase. The list of merchants include Ebay, Walmart, Microsoft, Panasonic and many more. They are continuously expanding this list of merchants.
Once you complete your purchase, you can earn your rewards back in any of the 13 major coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin. The cash back amount range from 1-8% of the purchase amount. This rate is also getting better over time so join the crowd!
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