They are pursuing the opportunity to become the “Booking.com, Steemit and Salesforce of Healthcare”, with a model capable of generating $100B+ of potential revenue. They intensely focus on UX and hiding the complexity of crypto world, creating a gateway for a vast amount of users and money to join the biggest revolution since widespread internet adoption. They have already tested their strategy, 2,500,000 people use their site yearly (Doklist.com), and they currently potentially reach 230M people on 2 opposing sides of the world (Brazil and Hungary). Taking advantage of the blockchain-based incentive system and the resulting high-quality global database, they aim to quickly become a dominant player in rapidly growing markets (medical tourism and pharmaceutical communication research and advertisement), currently worth more than $117 billion globally.
Mihaly Kertesz - Co-Founder & Operations
Viktor Tabori - Co-Founder & CTO
Levente Toth - Senior Backend Developer
Gabriel Cseri - Senior Frontend Developer
Dorina Pardi - Communications
Janka Bauer - Experience Designer
Benjamin Benko - Marketing
Laszlo Marai - Tech Lead

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